
I just added a bunch of new pictures, so I thought that I would also add a note. Jonah just gets cuter and cuter and busier and busier every day. He says "yeath", "tU-tee", "awrigh", and "UMmmmmmm" (which he picked up from me. I didn’t even know I did that until he started doing it). He loves to dance to music. And he really likes to play outside. He can put his shoes away (in their correct place) all by himself. And he puts his dirty clothes in his hamper. He also wants to be part of whatever I’m doing. If I’m at the computer he wants to be on my lap typing, if I am cooking he wants to stick another pan on the stove, if I’m eating he wants a bite, and if I’m going to the bathroom he wants to put toilette paper in the toilette. Speaking of the bathroom, he still loves bath-time. And we’ve had to change the bath routine. It used to be that little naked baby would stand at the side of the bath while mommy got the water to the correct temperature. But as soon as that water turned on, little naked baby would pee all over mommy’s bathroom floor. So now the diapered tot stands next to the tub while mommy gets the water to the right temp, then he stands in the tub while mommy takes his diaper off, and then he pees in the bath. Needless to say I don’t plug the tub right away. Ahh, I digress. Anyway, life with a toddler is full of laughs. You gotta laugh or you’ll go crazy.
P.S. You know you’re a mommy when you finally sit down to eat your lunch, and you realize that your sandwich is cut into quarters.
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