October Run-down

I can’t believe I’ve been absent from this blog for a month! October is gone, and before I know it, November will be also. How about a quick McCullah family update.
Daddy McCullah is working on his last college class before he graduates with his AA. If all goes well, he will graduate in January. Yay!!
Mommy McCullah is getting ready to host the family for a BBQ celebrating a visit with her #2 brother, who is graduating next week from his training school in the Air Force. And she is also planning on having a jewelry party to sell her handmade jewelry, sometime in December.
Baby McCullah is getting so big! As a matter of fact, today someone asked if he was 2 1/2. Here’s what he’s been doing lately. While seated at the table for a meal (it doesn’t matter which one) he will push his chair away from the table, and then put his feet up on the table. He seems to get a kick out of seeing his toes where his hands usually are. No, he did not get this habit from either parent; and yes, we are trying to break him of it.
He has also found that it is more fun to eat by bringing his plate (or bowl) up to his mouth and eating from it that way. What a mess. Speaking of eating, I had left an apple on the kitchen island. He found it and decided to start eating it. Sensing that a mess was in the near future I set him in his chair to watch a video until he was done munching on the apple. He at the whole thing, but did stop short of eating the core. Smart boy.
He as also been doing really well with "Room Time". If I need to get something done around the house and would rather not be distracted as he makes three messes for every one that I am cleaning up, I put him in his room with the baby gate up. He will them occupy himself for 30 to 45 minutes. I am really glad that I have this option, however there is one drawback. He occupies himself by (of course) tearing his room apart. Anything that is not tied down or too heavy is fair game. Oh, well. At least the mess is localized. One such day I peeked in to see how he was doing…and I didn’t see him anywhere. I was totally bewildered for a few seconds, until I saw him over by his changing table. He had pulled the blankets off of the lower shelf and was laying on them and under them. He thought it was funny that I didn’t see him right away.
He also amazed us last month by putting on one of his sandals all by himself. He even got it on the correct foot.  I expected him to put the other one on as well, but he was happy as a lark walking around with only one shoe on. And then there was the time that I was sitting at the computer and suddenly smelled nail polish. It took me a second, but I did finally realize that I wasn’t using nail polish. I jumped up to find Jonah. He was sitting in my bedroom studiously painting his big toe. EEEK! I had to laugh. Fortunately the mess was confined to his toe and hand. So I did what any mother would do. I took pictures, and took away the nail polish. Being a mother is such an adventure!! I love it.
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